There has been in recent history a growing interest in the legends of the Knights Templar.
A question regarding the move to Scotland after the French extermination of Templar Knights and associates on October 13 1307 – the answer is it is true.
Scotland has long held the tradition of protecting liberty. It is a place of esteemed reverence to Christianity. Many through the millennia have sought refuge from oppression to the land of the misty clouds… and this people have a unique ability to protect the sacred secrets of what happened to the Knights Templar.
Even from the time of Roman persecution after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, His followers including Joseph of Arimathea found solace enthroned within the peaks of Her own Highland Mountains.
Century after century, battles for defending Scotland’s freedom have made this people a strong independent force for the cause of liberty.
The sovereignty of this proud people has gone back and forth numerous times within the realm of the United Kingdom. The speculation that the Templar’s were once again eradicated is unfounded as there are no records of this in documented or traditional history.
After the year 1314, no public record has been available for the whereabouts of the descendants of the Knights Templar, or their designated keepers of the Clan Secrets. The mysterious disappearance of their wealth, naval armada, and presence within the Celtic community may simply be their way of avoiding detection the way Celtic Christians have done so for the 1300 years prior.
There are many speculations, but the proud people of Scotland and their Christian heritage will probably never yield the long hidden charge to maintain the sacred history. The Celtic Anglican Community has long been able to maintain its history amid the degradation of many other organizations which would like us to fail at bringing a true lineage of Priesthood back into mainstream Christianity.
We will maintain the late schedule for anyone who may need services this weekend. We will return to the normal schedule for the following week.
“Come Dwell with us in Christ:
“Non nobis Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam (Not to us Lord, but to Thy Name we give the glory)”