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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

This Week's Ask Reverend Jack... What Does It Mean To "Come To The Cross" ?

I received a real good question – “what does it mean to come to the cross”.

We often hear this in speeches, sermons and songs, and forget to mention what it means to those who are newly learning of, and returning to the path of Jesus

Someone mentioned to me that their religion celebrates the birth and life of Christ, and not his death…

That they don’t understand how we can speak of, and honor this part of Jesus’ mission with such fondness…

While most Christians do celebrate the birth, mission, and resurrection of Jesus with the same enthusiasm, we also remember that – without that part of His life – meaning His death, there would be no act of paying for the price of sin that He took upon Himself in the garden.

Without the betrayal by Judas, and the actual giving up His life for us – there would be no redemption and salvation.

The means by which He sacrificed His life was the means that would represent the only way He could pay the price for all the sins of the world past, present, and future.

While we do not “worship” the cross itself – we do understand that by “coming to the Cross” we show our appreciation, and worship He who did give Himself upon that Cross – to open the door to our Father’s kingdom.

Coming to the Cross means we honor Him, and that we revere Him, and that we trust, obey, and follow Him while loving Him by keeping His commandments.

Coming to the Cross means we have a constant reminder of what He did for us, and that the magnitude of His enduring that sacrifice means we too can endure the simple life of doing what He would want us to do…

God Bless…

Reverend Jack